Immunisation - A baby is being vaccinated in a health center in Kinshasa, the capital of The Republic of Congo.


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Protecting future generations from life-threatening diseases – THIS is how we protect our tamariki all around the globe!


UNICEF is the largest buyer of vaccines in the world. We use our enormous scale and expertise to turn vaccines into something life-saving – vaccinations!


We work on a global, country and community level to supply, distribute, and immunise half of the world's kids under five every year.


Without routine immunisations and vaccines, kids would suffer from severe AND preventable diseases.

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    doses of 1st ever malaria vaccine delivered in 2023 thanks to landmark contract.

  • 2.79


    doses of life-saving vaccines were delivered in 2023.

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    lives saved through immunisation. Reaching kids in over 100 countries.

No matter the distance.
No matter the obstacles.

Our strong network of staff and medical experts do whatever it takes to bring life-saving vaccines to kids' communities, schools and doorsteps! Travelling by donkey, camel, car, foot – or boat, like Trésor below – are just a few of ways we deliver vaccines to kids in all corners of the world!


"I do the vaccination to protect the lives of the children in my community. I want them to grow up healthy, because among them are future leaders, future doctors and future vaccinators."

—Trésor, a nurse at a UNICEF-supported health clinic in UGANDA.


This is what reaching every child takes!

It's all about teamwork! Thanks to support from our global network of partners, supply hubs, logistic teams – and of course, generous donors – our dedicated staff on the ground help save almost 3 million kids each year with vaccines!

Delivering on a global scale

Our expertise in delivering vaccines positioned us to help launch and lead the largest health operation in history. The focus: to protect our global whānau from COVID-19.

By the end of 2022, UNICEF had shipped almost 2 billion COVID-19 vaccines.

The delivery is only part of the puzzle! For such a tall order we strengthened our global cold chain system to make sure every dose was stored safely and at the right temperature on their long journey. This means each one of our life-saving vaccines (not just COVID) will always be effective and ready to go, whenever they’re needed!

Immunisation - 16 year old Pranshu gets vaccinated in India


Immunisation - Our Cold Chain

How we strengthened our Cold Chain

To deliver vaccines safely to kids around the world, we've upgraded cargo planes and vans with refrigeration units, installed cold rooms and solar powered refrigerators in regional clinics, and invested in portable solar powered cold boxes so our health workers can travel anywhere with lifesaving vaccines.

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Solar cold chain helps us prepare for the uncertainty of the future – especially in areas prone to power outages or outbreak! See first hand the life-changing impact our innovative cold chain systems are having for kids and communities in Guatemala:

Providing vaccines is just one part of our job. For over 77 years we've helped lead routine immunisation drives in over 100 countries to make sure kids grow up happy and healthy. We reach kids even when they're living amid conflict, natural disaster or in the most remote corners of the world.

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For every child in crisis

The risk and spread of disease can skyrocket during an emergency. Our job is to make sure nothing interrupts routine immunisations – keeping kids safe!

When a disaster strikes, healthcare systems are often destroyed or overburdened with urgent cases. This disrupts immunisation and vaccine drives, leaving children vulnerable to falling ill.

The continued support of UNICEF donors means during an emergency we're able to immediately dispatch mobile medical vaccination teams on the frontlines. Most importantly, donations help us invest in long-lasting infrastructure and preposition vaccines so routine immunisations never stop!

Immunisation - Five year old Yousef taking part in our routine immunisation campaign in Aleppo city, Syria



Our historic impact with the help of vaccines

Immunisation - Michael and David show off their purple marked fingers that show they've received their polio vaccination


We helped eliminate smallpox for good in 1980 after the disease devastated the world for 3000 years. Now we're on track to do the same with polio!

Polio is a viral disease that can cause nerve paralysis, permanent disability and even death. But did you know it's preventable? There may be no cure but we can work together to ensure every child is protected against this terrible disease thanks to vaccines!

Every year, donors help us vaccinate over 400 million children against polio – here's how!

UNICEF helps to spearhead the Global Polio Eradication Initiative that leads large community vaccination drives in countries around the world to ensure every child in every household is protected against Polio.

A handful of polio outbreaks still persist due to disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation around vaccines, and access to medical centres. But our teams are committed to going that extra mile to educate communities about the harmful disease and vaccinate kids right at their door.

Immunisation - Zainab gets vaccinated against Polio in Yemen


We'd like to introduce you to the women behind polio eradication!

Need more convincing? Our stats speak for themselves!

Since 1988 we've helped reduce cases in children by 99 per cent.

In 2021 we supported a door-to-door Polio campaign in Pakistan where we vaccinated 40 million children under 5 in 5 days!

We also have big plans in the pipeline! By 2030 we're hoping to fully eradicate polio with the help of vaccines.

Immunisation - Since 1988 we've helped reduce cases in children by 99 per cent.


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Our immunisation progress around the globe!

We’re committed to transparency. To see how we split up expenses and manage our costs, read our annual report or visit UNICEF Open to see a live overview of all our projects.

world map

UNICEF Aotearoa is a registered charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC35979), making you eligible for a tax refund of up to a third of your donation. All transactions are billed in New Zealand dollars.

UNICEF Aotearoa operates from Level 5, 86 Victoria Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand.

© UNICEF Aotearoa