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Contact Us
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Flick us a message or have a friendly chat to one of our team, call us on 0800 243 575 (NZ only) or (+64) 4 815 9370.

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Important contacts
Corporate Partnerships
Frances Wells
Head of Strategic Partnerships
(+64) 21 844 360
Jayne Rowley
Fundraising Director
(+64) 29 912 5957
Teresa Tepania-Ashton
Director, Advocacy and Programmes
(+64) 275 666 718


General Enquiries
0800 243 575
Media Enquiries
Tania Sawicki Mead
Director of Communications
09 918 2535


CID Code of Conduct
UNICEF Aotearoa is a member of the Council for International Development (CID) and is a signatory to the CID Code of Conduct ('the CID Code').
The CID Code Compliant ‘tick’ signifies that we have met the standards and expectations of corporate governance, transparency, accountability, and good practice, as outlined in the CID Code.
Complaints relating to alleged breaches of the CID Code by any signatory agency can be made to the independent CID Code of Conduct Committee.
More information about the CID Code can be obtained from UNICEF Aotearoa and from CID at: www.cid.org.nz Email: [email protected]