
Grow your impact

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Your tax rebate has the power to save lives and create futures.

More clean water, therapeutic foods, and lifesaving aid when kids need it most. Give more for less when you claim a third of your donations back and donate your tax rebate to UNICEF.

When kids need us most

We make sure every moment counts - when it matters most. With our established global network of supply hubs and partners we're able to rapidly respond to any emergency with life-saving supplies.

Grow the power of your dollar. By donating $5 or more to UNICEF, you can claim a third back.

Thanks to generous donors who donate their tax rebate back to UNICEF, we can get more clean water, more vaccines, more medical supplies, and more treatment for malnutrition & illness to kids and families most in need - anywhere in the world - in under 48 hours.

Claim your tax back, and donate, to help us stay ready for when the next emergency strikes.

There's one billion dollars in unclaimed tax right now. Imagine how many kids we could help if you donate yours. Don't let it sit there.

What to do 

Save your receipts: 

Keep the receipts from all donations you made this tax year of $5 or more.

Sign up on myIR: 

Go to myir.ird.govt.nz then sign in or create an account if you don’t already have one. 

Upload receipts:

Follow the instructions on myIR to submit your tax receipts. For more detailed instructions, please visit the IRD website.

Get money back:

Select 'No’ on the ‘Credit Transfer’ screen and IRD will transfer your tax credit directly to your bank account! 

Choose to donate your tax rebate to UNICEF Aotearoa if you want to make more impact!

To make your donation go further, you can choose to donate however much of your tax rebate back to UNICEF Aotearoa. Visit our Greatest Need page and make your donation to start growing your impact today. 

What if I'm missing tax receipts?
Can individual tax receipts that are already issued be included in an annual tax receipt?
Who is eligible?

We’re committed to transparency. To see how we split up expenses and manage our costs, read our annual report or visit UNICEF Open to see a live overview of all our projects.

world map

UNICEF Aotearoa is a registered charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC35979), making you eligible for a tax refund of up to a third of your donation. All transactions are billed in New Zealand dollars.

UNICEF Aotearoa operates from Level 5, 86 Victoria Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand.

© UNICEF Aotearoa